What is Your Happiness and Health Wisdom?
Hi Friend,
What are you doing for your happiness and health?
With so much in the news that is frightening, so much that is outside of our control, and so many people and organizations giving different advise, we feel it is important to reflect and learn from our own wisdom. So we ask:
What are you doing for your happiness and health?
Let us know by clicking here, and in our next newsletter, we will share your wisdom for how to be healthy and happy now.
Join a Happiness & Health Conversation - an Open Forum Hour on Wednesdays until Earth Day
March 25 and April 1, 8, 15 & 22 (Earth Day)
12 pm PT/3 pm ET /7 pm GMT
In these days of physical isolation, it's important that we find new ways to socially connect. It's also important to be able to name and talk about your feelings.
We are hosting a weekly hour for open discussion on how you are feeling and why & what you are doing for your happiness just now. We will begin with short introductions, and each person will have 3 minutes to share how they are feeling and why, and, if they like, one thing they are doing for their happiness and health these days.
Join via zoom: https://zoom.us/j/ 709331423
Meeting ID: 709 331 423
One tap mobile +16699006833,, 709331423# US
Dial by your location +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 709 331 423
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aqxUA075Y
What I am doing for my happiness and health: a message from Laura, our Executive Director.
Here in Seattle we have been in self-quarantine for a little over a week. The parks are still open for walks, so I have been taking long walks everyday, and spending time among the trees, seeking and soaking peace from them.
Some days are worse than others, and I find myself feeling anxious, Yesterday I found this talk by Tara Brach to be particularly useful.
As night, I curl up on the couch with my sweetie and we watch comedy shows, nature shows or feel-good movies. We have a news curfew, and also a Covid-19 discussion curfew.
I have reached out to the elders in my life and helped them to learn how to use online meeting technologies, encouraging them to participate in online groups and have daily face to face online interactions.
These are just a few things. I look forward to learning and sharing what you are doing to be happy and healthy.
- Laura Musikanski, Executive Director of the Happiness Alliance
The Loneliness, Happiness and Health Connection
We do not know how long social distancing and self-quarantine will be necessary, but we probably all expect it to last a while. We also do not know if we or our loved ones will survive. This is so scary. Let's not bear this fear alone or let it rob us of our happiness and the enjoyment of our lives.
We humans are social creatures, even the most introverted of us needs connection with others. Loneliness is not good for us.
We humans are social creatures, even the most introverted of us needs connection with others. Loneliness is not good for us.
Right now, quality of life - our happiness - is really important.
We looked at data for people who are often or always lonely and people who are rarely or never lonely, and found a few similarities and a few differences.
Self-perceived health is one place where there is a big difference, as well as feeling postive about oneself, satisfaction with life, and satisfaction with opportunities to enjoy nature.
People who are not lonely are feel more positively about themselves, are more satisfied with life, are more satisfied with their opportunities to enjoy nature, and feel that they are healthier
We think that some of these differences may be reflected in your answers to what you are doing for your health and happiness.
We also feel strongly that we need to do all we can to not be lonely at this time when the threat to our health is so strong. This is why we are starting our Happiness & Health Conversations.
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