Thursday, January 22, 2015

Change the world with Castles in the Sky, and an ask for you to help build

About this post: The world changes because people build castles in the sky - dream impossible dreams, and then take action to make them happen.  Marilyn Winter-Tamkin, Meryl Lefkoff and the group at Emergent Diplomacy have been laying the foundation to build the a castle in the sky to change our economic paradigm and our world. I met Meryl in 2012 at the UN's Happiness & Well-being high level meeting, and Marilyn shortly after.  Both are phenomenal people who are doing phenomenal things.  This post is for all of you systems thinkers who believe a better future is possible (like me!), and an ask that you contribute to this world-changing castle in the sky. Laura 

A guest post from Marilyn Winter-Tamkin
People around the world are suffering and growing angry about increasing inequality,poverty, global
climate change, and endless war. Political leaders are not changing the situation.

Bretton Woods 3.0 is about changing things. Bretton Woods 3.0 is an unprecedented global summit to be held in May, 2016 in Santa Fe, New Mexico. It will bring together grassroots activists who understand how to successfully mobilize large communities with leaders who focus on innovative perspectives and solutions to the overwhelming problems we face. This is a gathering where magic will happen.

After 10 days of working sessions, participants will emerge with a collaborative global strategy and action plans to ignite and maintain long term coordinated mass action. These ongoing actions will be designed to keep pressure on policy makers to change the way we measure human progress; to make our current economic policies more compassionate; and to create a new economic system that protects our children's future and the planet's resources.

Interested? Participate with Indiegogo campaign site.

We hope you will contribute generously, and ask you friends and colleagues to consider doing so, too.

Yes, we really can change the world!

Many thanks,

Marilyn, Board Director of Emergent Diplomacy

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