Thursday, May 24, 2012


IIt’s late and someone playing hip-hop loud pulls up under my window.  Sounds of destitution, loss and hope pound through the pane. I love it.  That blend of death and life, the future and hopelessness- songs of the truth of life.

Today three new volunteers joined the Happiness Initiative. It was a perfect medley, a perfect storm. It was the answer of hope, the promise of realization of dream, the validation of aspiration and an affirmation that we can do this work.

The Happiness Initiative is a small not-for-profit with huge goals.. It is a project for the long haul, and a project that is going to take a lot of people caring for it.  Already many volunteers have given their time, energy and love to this project.  And many of them have passed the torch. When its time for someone to leave the project, there is an opportunity for the project to move into a new level when that opening is filled with new energy.  And new energy came into the project to day. 

And so, tonight, as the pounding sounds of hip-hop glide into the night with the revving engine of a car speeding away, I give hurrah to hope, dreams and aspirations for wellbeing, sustainability and quality of life in our future, and I give thanks for the serendipity of meeting three new people each with a message of hope for happiness. Thanks for Ryan, Chiuhua and John 
Posted by Laura Musikanski,  ED Of HI

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