Friday, March 2, 2012


Today was one of those days when a little work goes a long way. John wants to do happiness initiative packages for cities, but we can’t do that without random sample surveys. So today, I put together the pricing for a package, talked with a survey provider, talked with our expert in random sample surveying, Ryan (who is awesome BTW), and set things in motion so we can offer packages, but more importantly, get happiness initiates going in cities where dependable science based data is part of the project.

You know when you are on the edge of the high dive, and that feeling of whether to go for it or turn back comes one? Well, I think there are a series of those feelings in life, and as much as we can have them, we know we are on the right track. I always chose to jump – even if not to dive.

Yesterday I wrote about releasing success. Part of that is just doing things – but doing things wisely. And that requires, among other things, partnership. Partnership at the deepest level is giving away power, control and sharing. Today was the first step in such partnership. With Ryan, who would control the random sample surveys in a happiness initiative survey for a city, town or rural community, partnership with a service provider that would gather survey responses, but more importantly, partnership with a part of myself that never trusts anyone deeply.

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